
Stopping up orders

Grahame Park Estate, NW9

Highway land at/adjacent to 4A Campbell Croft, Edgware, HA8 8DS

Douglas Bader Park Estate, Colindale NW9 Phase 1 Section 247 Town and Country Planning Act 1990

The Grange Estate N2

Brent Cross Cricklewood Regeneration Phase 1a North (The Brent Terrace Triangles)(Land off Brent Terrace NW2) Stopping up order No1 2023

Fosters Estate NW4 2DL

Victoria Quarter EN4 9SH

Little Strand NW9

Basing Way N3

Fosters Estate, Hendon, NW4 2DL

Fosters Estate NW4: Stopping Up Order 2, Notice of Intention to make a Stopping Up Order (PDF, 163 KB)

Highway land at/adjacent to Westhorpe Gardens, Mills Grove London NW4 2TU

Highway land at/adjacent to Westhorpe Gardens, NW4 2TU Stopping up order 2 under TCPA 1990 to 2023

Redevelopment of Grahame Park site, Plot A. Highway at Great Field and Heybourne Crescent, Grahame Park NW9 5XA

West Hendon Regeneration Phase 5 and 6

West Hendon Regeneration Phase 5 and 6 notice of intent (PDF, 132 KB)
West Hendon Regeneration Phase 5 and 6 plan (PDF, 1.29 MB)

Prospect Ring

Prospect Ring notice of intent (PDF, 121 KB)

Dollis Valley Estate regeneration

Dollis Valley Estate regeneration notice of making (PDF, 66.5 KB)
Dollis Valley Estate regeneration notice of intent (PDF, 218 KB)



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