- We would like your views on the savings proposals to help balance our budget for next year (2025/26). In particular, our proposals to discontinue the mobile library service, to cease purchasing hard-copy newspapers and to reduce slightly the self-service opening hours at Chipping Barnet, Colindale, Edgware and Finchley Church End libraries. Have your say by completing our online questionnaire. Pick up a paper questionnaire or request the consultation in another format by asking library staff in staffed opening times or email LibrariesOnlineHelp@barnet.gov.uk.
- Discover the Study facilities in Barnet Libraries
- Discover Loving Life events, a creative health project for older adults running at Chipping Barnet and Colindale libraries throughout 2025
- Pick up a Creative Communities booklet from your local library, featuring our events programme for January to March 2025
- Discover what’s happening at your local library
- Sign up for our newsletters for the latest news and information about our events.
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