
Freedom of Information Request

Road Defect Policies and Requests

Received: 15 November 2024

I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I would like to obtain details on the local authority's policies and practices concerning road defects.Specifically, I am requesting information on the following:1. Definition and classification of Road Defectsa) A definition, a copy of your current policy or a summary of your current policy on what constitutes an actionable defect on the highway that requires inspection, intervention or repair.b) A definition, a copy of your current policy or a summary of your current policy setting out the classifications of defects on the highway that requires inspection, intervention or repair2. Timeframes for Addressing Road Defects o The timeframes set by your authority to (a) respond and to (b) repair for each classification of defect on the highway set out in reply to 1 (b) above o Your success/compliance rate with regard to timing of repairs in line with your own policy for each classification of defect on the highway3. Reporting defectsa) Please confirm all means by which you accept reports of Highways defects eg by phone, email, online portal, third party apps etcb) From which third party apps do you accept reports of Highways defects eg Fill That Hole, Fix My Street, Stantheapp, Love Clean Streets etc4. Number of Road Defect Requests Received o Please provide the total number of defect reports received by the local authority between :- o A) 1 January 2022 - 31 December 2022 inclusive o B) 1 January 2023 - 31 December 2023 inclusive o C) 1 January 2024 - 31 October 2024If possible, please provide this information in a clear and structured format. I would also appreciate any relevant context on the prioritisation criteria used to determine the urgency of repairs.

Outcome / Documents

  • Ref 13400448 - RE - Highway Infrastructure Safety Inspection Manual (HISIM) Revision D OCT22 for delegated approval 27 Oct 22_Redacted - application/pdf - Download
  • Response (some exempt) - application/pdf - Download