
Exam stress top tips

BICS how to Deal with Exam Stress top tips.

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Revision schedule

 An effective revision schedule is crucial to navigate exams successfully. Here’s how to build one:

  • Prioritise the subjects/exams that need the most preparation time.
  • Break revision into 30 - 60 minute intense sessions, followed by 10 minute breaks to rest your mind.
  • Set specific goals regarding the material, topics, or number of practice questions to cover in each study session.
  • Vary the subjects you study each day to keep things interesting and avoid mental fatigue.
  • Schedule in time for rest, fun, and regular breaks so revising doesn’t take over your life. It really is OK to go out one night a week with your friends!

 Finding the right revision method for you

 Students need to find revision techniques that work for their unique learning styles:

  • Use flashcards to condense notes down to key facts and figures for memorisation.
  • Take practice exams under timed conditions to prepare for the real exam format.
  • Create rhymes, acronyms, or mnemonic devices to aid in recalling information.
  • Simply re-read textbooks and notes multiple times if you learn best by absorbing information.

 Group study

 Studying in a group in our supportive learning environment can provide exam stress relief benefits like:

  • Gaining new perspectives when group members explain concepts you find difficult.
  • Keeping each other on track and accountable during study sessions.
  • Making studying more engaging by learning with friends.
  • Teaching each other topics you know well to deepen understanding.
  • Testing each others’ knowledge through practice exam questions.

 When organising a study group, keep it to 3-4 people, meet somewhere focused like a library room or classroom, stick to a schedule, and ensure equal participation.

 Study breaks – finding a good balance

 While covering a lot of content is important, rest and recovery are also essential:

  • Schedule leisure activities into your calendar so you have things to anticipate beyond just studying.
  • Get at least 7 - 8 hours of sleep per night to allow your brain to recharge.
  • Maintain relationships and social connections – don’t isolate yourself from friends.

 Finding the right balance between studying and self-care helps you be productive while protecting your wellbeing.

 Spend time with nature

 Being outdoors can help calm the mind during stressful exam seasons:

  • Go for walks while studying if possible – being in nature can boost focus and clarity.
  • Try meditating or deep breathing outside to combine relaxation with nature’s benefits.
  • When studying indoors, sit near windows with views of greenery.
  • Take study breaks to exercise outdoors like going for a run or doing a gym session to get a mental reboot.

Try to spend 10-15 minutes outside daily for the mental health benefits nature provides.