Barnet Local Plan 2021-2036
Barnet has a new Local Plan
The new Local Plan establishes the Council’s vision for growth and development in Barnet over a 15 year period (2021-2036).
Together with the Mayor's London Plan the North London Waste Plan, Policies Map and the Area Action Plans for Colindale and Mill Hill East it forms the Development Plan for the Borough. The Development Plan is the basis upon which planning applications will be determined unless there are material planning considerations that indicate otherwise.
The Policies Map shows the main policy designations such as Green Belt, Metropolitan Open Land, conservation areas, employment areas, town centres and open spaces as well as the site proposals that are highlighted in the Local Plan.
The Development Plan is the key component of Barnet’s Planning Framework. Other parts of this Framework include:
- Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs)
- Town Centre Frameworks
- Planning Briefs
- Guidance Notes.
Barnet’s new Local Plan replaces the 2012 version
Find out more about the Local Plan review.
Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs)
These documents provide further detailed guidance on policy topics such as:
- Affordable Housing (PDF, 472KB)
- Planning Obligations (PDF, 694KB)
- Delivering Skills, Employment, Enterprise and Training (SEET) (PDF, 0.5MB)
- Grahame Park
- Sustainable Design and Construction (PDF, 1.2MB)
- Residential Design Guidance
- Green Infrastructure (PDF, 6.7MB)
- North Finchley (PDF, 6.2MB)
- Edgware Growth Area
- Colindale Station (PDF, 2.3MB)
Town centre frameworks
- Town centre frameworks - Aim to create the right environment for vibrant and viable town centres in Barnet
Planning briefs
- Planning briefs - Find our guidelines and requirements for the development of particular sites
Design guidance notes
- Design guidance notes - provide more detailed guidance on deciding planning applications.
Other local plan documents
- The Authority Monitoring Report – monitors the performance of the Local Plan and identifies trends affecting Barnet
Archive: our previous Local Plan
The new Local Plan sets our vision for growth and development in Barnet over a 15 year period (2021-2036).