
2012 Local Plan (Superseded)

The 2012 Local Plan consisted of the Core Strategy DPD (PDF, 6.8MB) which set out the Council’s vision, objectives and strategic policies and the Development Management Policies DPD (PDF, 8.3MB) which set out the framework for making planning decisions. It also included 13 policies from the 2006 Unitary Development Plan for Brent Cross and Cricklewood (PDF, 97KB)

The 2012 Local Plan has now been replaced by the new Local Plan

Find out more about the Local Plan review.

2012 Proposals Map (Superseded)

The 2012 Proposals Map (superseded)  that formed part of the adopted UDP (2006) was subject to amendments through the 2012 Development Management Policies document in relation to town centres, safeguarded employment areas and areas of special archaeological significance.

The current Proposals Map also includes the area action plans for Colindale and Mill Hill East. 

2012 Local Plan evidence (Superseded)

The 2012 local plan evidence was gathered to support the now superseded 2012 local plan