

Local Plan Main Modifications: Representor's Q-V

Local Plan Main Modifications: Representor's K-P

Local Plan Main Modifications: Representor's E-J

Barnet's Suicide Prevention Campaign ‘may have helped save 10 lives’, finds Middlesex University report

Middlesex University has confirmed that Barnet Council’s Suicide Prevention Campaign, delivered in 2021, may have contributed to reducing suicide rates in the Borough.

The evaluation showed that Barnet saw a significant drop in suicide rates for the three months that the campaign was live (Oct – Dec 2021) and for a further six months following the campaign's conclusion.​

Fly-tipping crackdown launched by Barnet Council

Barnet Council has launched a crackdown on fly-tipping at hotspot locations around the borough as part of its Caring for our Places campaign.

The initiative will see a dedicated team deployed daily to clear illegally dumped waste and gather evidence so that people who fly tip can be caught and prosecuted.

It comes after more than 8,000 fly-tips were reported to the council in 2023/24, with each tonne of waste costing the council £100 to clear.

Three million pound investment in Hampden Way reconstruction to begin next week

Work is set to begin next week on the £3 million reconstruction of Hampden Way in East Barnet representing the largest investment ever in a single road by Barnet Council.

The project forms part of the £97m Barnet Road and Pavement’s Investment Programme and is expected to take between nine and ten months to complete.

Barnet awarded Borough of Sanctuary status for welcoming those seeking safety

Barnet has been officially awarded Borough of Sanctuary status for its efforts in welcoming those seeking a safe place to live.

The Borough of Sanctuary title is awarded by the charity City of Sanctuary UK to organisations and areas that go above and beyond to welcome those looking for a safe haven.

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