For the next 14 days (11-24 May) we’re celebrating Foster Care Fortnight, a campaign that was first established by The Fostering Network in 1997 to highlight the positive impact of foster carers on children and young people throughout the UK.

Barnet Council is supporting Foster Care Fortnight
We have over 320 children in foster care in Barnet therefore it’s incredibly important we raise awareness and show our support for this essential part of our community. Join us in showcasing the honourable commitment of foster carers in the local area by using the hashtag #ThisIsFostering
Jane, a Barnet resident, explains how fostering has changed her life:
“The best thing about fostering, is knowing that you have made a difference. It’s about being a stop gap between things not going very well for the children in your care and helping them move towards something better.”
If you’re interested in fostering, please call 0208 359 6274 or visit our Fostering page.
You can also follow us for the latest fostering news and updates on: