Election Day is Thursday 5 May
This Thursday 5 May, voters in Barnet will go to the polls in the Local Elections to elect 63 councillors across 24 wards.
Voters will receive one ballot paper when they go to vote. Barnet’s recent ward boundary changes mean that the borough is now made up of nine 2-councillor wards and fifteen 3-councillor wards, based on the number of electors that they contain. Therefore, depending on which ward they live in, voters will vote for either 2 or 3 councillors to represent them.
If you are an elector, the changes to Barnet’s ward boundaries also means it is likely that where you go to vote has changed. Check your poll card or visit www.wheredoivote.co.uk to make sure you know where to go on election day.
Get ready to vote:
- Find out about candidates in your area
- Read Mencap’s Easy Read guides about voting
- Read RNIB’s guide about voting for people with sight loss
- If you are voting by post, voting packs will start to arrive this week. Mark your vote and return it to arrive before 10pm on 5 May.
- If you plan to vote in person, make sure you know where to go on election day – check your poll card or visit www.wheredoivote.co.uk
- Visit our pages to answer any questions you might have about voting at a polling station
- Find out more about Barnet’s ward boundary changes and check which ward you are in
Polling stations will be open 7am-10pm. Peak times are usually between 6-9pm, so it can be quicker to vote if you go earlier in the day. Visit www.barnet.gov.uk/elections for more information.