Celebrating the people who together make Barnet

Jackie Goymour
Together, we are Barnet will highlight some of our many groups and local projects, as well as individuals, who contribute so much to our community.
This week we're focusing on Jackie Goymour, External Relations Director of Women’s Interfaith Network, an organisation founded to promote understanding and friendship between people of different faiths.
“Women’s Interfaith Network has branches in London and South-East England. In Barnet, our group has members who represent 13 different faiths. We meet regularly to learn about one another’s faiths and cultures, and join in the celebrations of one another’s festivals.
“Our group is a place of learning and understanding. We talk, we discuss, and we listen to people who, outside of the group, we would be otherwise unlikely to meet. Our aim is to challenge the harmful stereotypes out there and find the common things that are universal to each of us. It’s a cliché but it’s true: there is far more that unites us than divides us.
“There is a lot of hostility directed at people of different faiths. It’s up to all of us to gain the knowledge and the confidence to counteract the negativity and make things better for the next generation. Speak to your neighbours and co-workers, find out about their culture. You’d be surprised how new friendships will quickly form and it will widen your world.”
Find out more about Jackie and how to get involved with our Together, we are Barnet campaign: www.engage.barnet.gov.uk/togetherbarnet