Barnet Council is thrilled to announce that it will be hosting the UK’s first official Giving Tuesday Community Campaign on Tuesday 3 December, joining the likes of New York and Paris, in throwing our official support behind this unique day of global generosity.

Giving Tuesday
The council will be joining thousands of national and local organisations taking part in Giving Tuesday, which happens each year, just after the popular shopping days of Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
Giving Tuesday is a day dedicated to giving back by supporting a cause close to your heart or doing something good for your local community. As a council, we’re encouraging the people of Barnet to get involved, be it by donating to charity, volunteering, or even just pitching up to help a friend, neighbour or family member in need.
Barnet is home to more than 400,000 Londoners, making it the most populous of all of the capital’s 32 boroughs and one of London’s most diverse. This means there is so much opportunity to lend a hand and take part on Giving Tuesday.
Last year, celebrities including Sir Richard Branson, Cara Delevingne and Dua Lipa, all used the Giving Tuesday campaign to support the charities they care about the most.
Popular brands such as PayPal, RBS and ASOS were all involved, as were leading charities such as Marie Curie, the British Heart Foundation and the Dogs Trust. Last year, more than £7.8 million was raised just in online donations on the day.
Since it first arrived in the UK in 2014, #GivingTuesday has also been the top trending social media issue on the day, with the hashtag reaching followers more than 600 million times last year.
The Leader of Barnet Council, Councillor Daniel Thomas, said: “We are excited and proud to be teaming up with Giving Tuesday and to be the first UK community to sign up to this amazing initiative. “Barnet is proud to be home to over 1,000 charities, and this campaign will highlight some of their great work.”
“We know that the people and businesses of Barnet will be inspired to take part and will run with this great idea. I cannot wait to see what we achieve when we come together as a community.”
Gráinne Mathews, Giving Tuesday UK Campaign Lead, adds: “Giving Tuesday is a chance for us all, no matter where we live or what we do, to help out a cause close to our hearts. This year, we’re also asking people to make a #GivingTuesdayPledge for the year ahead to continue making a difference all year round.
“That might be giving a small monthly donation to a charity, telling people about your favourite cause on social media or volunteering for a couple of hours a month. All of these pledges combine to make a world of difference to so many lives.”
To find out more about Giving Tuesday, and how you can get involved, visit: