Solar panel installation
Barnet Council has announced the launch of its Carbon Reduction Crowdfund, in partnership with community fundraising platform Spacehive, to support community groups with up to £15,000 towards local environmental initiatives across the borough.
The council has secured a total of £50,000 of funding for this initiative from the Carbon Offset Fund, marking another step towards fostering a more sustainable future that will help bring the borough closer to its BarNET ZERO ambitions, for a net zero borough by 2042.
The Council is encouraging local community groups to make their applications for this funding opportunity, specifically designed to support community-driven projects that contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions. The fund is open to all community groups in Barnet and offers the chance to match-fund initiatives that align with defined criteria centred around carbon reduction impact and community benefit.
Councillor Alan Schneiderman, Cabinet Member of Environment and Climate Change said:
“We are thrilled to unveil the Barnet Carbon Reduction Crowdfund, as part of our commitment to caring for the planet.
“We are confident that this fund will pave the way for impactful projects that directly combat carbon emissions, by harnessing the power of community-driven initiatives. We hope to see a myriad of project applications that will collectively make a substantial impact on our carbon footprint.”
As part of the application process, projects will be considered and allocated funding by how closely they align with the following three tiers:
- Tier 1: Funding for small-scale projects that reduce carbon emissions, and for developing climate action plans and delivering training that will support reduction in carbon emissions. E.g., community campaigns, purchasing bikes for the community. Up to £1000 or 50% of the value of the project.
- Tier 2: Funding for carbon reduction measures, e.g. for replacing lightbulbs with LEDs, purchasing electric bikes for the community, Up to £2,500 or 50% of the value of the project.
- Tier 3: Funding for large-scale carbon reduction and retrofit projects, e.g. insulation retrofitting or solar panel installation. Up to £15,000 or 50% of the value of the project
To date, Barnet Council in partnership with Spacehive, have already supported crowdfunding in our borough with 32 projects and nearly £903,000 raised. The council hopes to build on this success with this new funding opportunity. Barnet Council encourages all community groups interested in creating a positive environmental impact to come to a special Crowdfund Workshop, which will be held on 14 September, from 1-2pm, to learn more about the crowdfunding initiative and offer advice. Residents can sign-up for the workshop here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/crowdfund-barnet-launch-tickets-698411386257?aff=oddtdtcreator
Applications for the Barnet Carbon Reduction Crowdfund must be received by 8 November. To find out more visit: https://www.spacehive.com/movement/crowdfundbarnet/