FOI: Dog Breeding Licenses
Received: 21 November 2024
I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information, please:1. How many dog breeding businesses does your local authority currently licence pursuant to the AnimalWelfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (England) Regulations 2018?2. Please provide a breakdown by licence of the number of 1. breeding female adult dogs, 2. breedingmale adult dogs, 3. litters of puppies 4. other (non-breeding) dogs specified on each licence and, 5. thestar rating of each licence currently in effect (please provide this information in the format shownbelow):Anonymisedestablishment referenceNumber ofbreedingfemale adultdogsspecifiedNumber ofbreedingmale adultdogsspecifiedNumber oflitters ofpuppiesspecifiedNumber ofother(non-breeding) dogsspecifiedStar ratingabcdefghi3. Please provide a blank copy of the inspection form/s used by your council during the inspection of dogbreeding premises, pursuant to reg 4(2) and reg 10 of the Animal Welfare (Licensing of ActivitiesInvolving Animals) (England) Regulations 2018?4. For the calendar year 2023, how many dogs (including puppies) did your local authority take intopossession, pursuant to s18 Animal Welfare Act 2006?5. In the event your local authority needs to take dogs (including puppies) into possession pursuant to s18Animal Welfare Act 2006:a. What kennel capacity do you have access to for such eventualities?b. Is this capacity provided by a. private kennels, b. an animal welfare charity/charities, or c. otherprovider?
Outcome / Documents
- Response (all information to be supplied) - application/pdf - Download