Burnt Oak Public Realm Improvements (business case, budget and expenditure)
Received: 22 November 2024
Under the Freedom of Information Act/Environmental Information Regulations, I would like to request information on the Burnt Oak Public Realm Improvements project (originally budgeted at £3.5m*):(1) Please provide copies of (or links to) the Outline or Full Business Case(s) produced for project.(2) Please indicate what the current budget figure for the project is.(3) Please provide a copy of a link to Council papers which document the rationale behind any change to the original budgeted amount of £3.5m.(4) Indicate the total amount of expenditure incurred by the project against the budget (NB: this should include goods/services procured but not yet paid for). * See: Paragraph 1.27 in Housing & Growth Ctte paper, Agenda Item No. 9: https://barnet.moderngov.co.uk/documents/s66481/Town%20Centres%20Capital%20Programme%20Update.pdf .