
Freedom of Information Request

Council Owned Properties

Received: 24 July 2024

1.How many residential properties does your authority own that are currently rented out to council tenants and are valued in excess of £1million? If you do have any such properties please give the postcode of each of these properties with the exception of the last two letters and state the estimated market value that you have on record.2.Taking the last five financial years (19/20) (20/21) (21/22) (22/23) and (23/24) on how many occasions have you sold a property owned by the council to the tenant, where the property had a market value of in excess of £1million? For each occasion please state (i) the postcode of the property with the exception of the last two letters, (ii) the market value of the property and (iii) the percentage discount off the market price given to the purchaser, and (iv) the amount of the discount to the market price that the purchaser received.

Outcome / Documents

  • Response (not held) - application/pdf - Download