
BICS groups for children and young people

Mind and Mood

A group for young people who are secondary School age to support with feelings of anxiety and to create strategies to manage these feelings.

There are 8 sessions per group for young people, with 2 additional sessions for parents/carers to help to understand more about young people who feel worried and anxious, and what to do in those moments to help them cope.

Themes include understanding what anxiety is, worries and negative thinking, problem solving the negative thoughts as well as thinking about the future.


A group for young people aged 14-17 to support with regulating emotions.

There are 8 sessions per group for young people. Themes in sessions include noticing and building awareness of our thoughts and emotions, learning how to manage the different feelings including skills and understanding how others can support you moving forward.

Brain Buddies

A group based in schools for children of primary school age.

There are 6 sessions which gives children the opportunity to work on several things including: their understanding of emotions; identification and regulation of emotions they are feeling; self-care, self-calming, body-based strategies; and problem-solving.