
BICS groups and workshops

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Our groups and workshops aim to:

  • create a space where you can meet other people who may share similar experiences
  • help you learn more about supporting you or your child’s mental health and wellbeing
  • create a community
  • build on your own strengths for the future

The content within our sessions helps you to gain further understanding of yourself. And strategies you can build on to reduce mental health difficulties. We aim to create a space where discussion and learning from one another happens. with you being the ‘experts in the room.

We can deliver groups and workshops face to face or online, either in a school or in the community.

We deliver groups and workshops throughout the year, when Barnet families need them.

The groups need a referral into BICS. A referral helps us ensure you are receiving the most appropriate help for your needs.

As well as our specific groups and workshops, we can deliver to larger audiences. Such as a whole class, parent/carer or community group.

If you are a school or a community group you can arrange a consultation with our support team on 020 8359 3130 available Monday to Friday, from 9am to 5pm.