
Advertise in Barnet First

Why advertise in Barnet First?

Partner with a trusted source of information
Barnet First magazine has been the flagship of Barnet Council's resident communications for more than 20 years. 

Get your message to every home in the borough
Barnet First is the most widely distributed publication in the borough and is delivered to over 160,000 households, three times a year in April, August and November.

Reach a huge audience
With 400,000 residents, Barnet has the second largest population of any London borough and is the 12th largest local authority area in the UK.

Reach the right audience
Based on the 2011 Census, Barnet has more socio-economic ABC1s (aged 16 to 64) than any other borough in outer London and is third overall in London.

Great value for your advertising spend
The cost of advertising in Barnet First compares favourably to many other London council magazines and other local publications in terms of price, audience reached and audience demographics

To contact the editorial team about advertising, email:

Rate card 2022/23

Size and placement Rate
Event classified (6x7cm) £250
Standard full page £2190
Half page £1130
Quarter page £590
Double page spread £3890
Inside front cover* £2670
Outside back cover* £3330
Centre page pull-out* (4 pages total) £8900
Outer wrap* (4 pages total) £11330

* Subject to availability.

Discounts are available for multiple issue bookings.

Reduced rates are available for partnership organisations, government, NHS and charities. Details available on request.