
Planning Policy privacy notice

The Planning Policy Team is responsible for preparing the council’s statutory Development Plan to guide growth and change in the Borough over the next 15 years as well as provide the policy basis for the determination of planning applications.  In preparing Development Plan documents, consultation is undertaken with statutory and non-statutory consultees and we hold information about those we consult with. For statutory consultations we are required to identify and contact people who would be relevant consultees, which may be people who have contacted the council previously, or those who are known to represent relevant groups, such as neighbourhood associations. You can ask to be removed from our consultation mailing lists, but any comments made during a consultation will be kept for the periods listed below.

Personal information collected

  • Name
  • Address & contact details
  • Consultation responses

Who we share the information with

  • Council legal service

Legislation that applies

Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended)

How long we keep your information

Statutory Consultees – details are kept as a permanent record

Non-statutory consultees – details will be kept for the lifetime of preparing the individual Development Plan document (i.e. 1-5 years)