Street lighting and furniture
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Street lighting, illuminated signs and road traffic bollards
Street lighting keeps our roads safe for those travelling after dusk, so it is in everybody's interests to report faults as they occur.
Report a street lighting fault or problem
Email Barnet Lighting Services (BLS):
Telephone 0800 032 6788
Make a note of the:
- street light reference number (found about 2 metres above ground)
- exact location
- and provide as many details about the fault/problem as you can
General street lighting enquiries
If you wish to follow up your report, please contact BLS direct by telephone or email using the contact details shown above.
Barnet operates a Street Lighting PFI (Private Finance Initiative) contract for all its street lighting, other illuminated street signs and road traffic bollards.
The PFI Service Provider is Barnet Lighting Services Limited (BLS). BLS subcontracts all the street lighting service to Equans, formerly Bouygues Energies & Services.
What happens if a bollard is damaged?
Bollards can become dislodged or knocked out of the ground if vehicles drive into them or when vandalised. You can report a damaged bollard online.
The Area Inspector will complete an inspection of the bollard. If the bollard can be repaired and re-set, the bollard will be reinstated.
If a bollard has been knocked out or damaged beyond repair and cannot be re-set, the Inspector will raise a work order for a replacement.
Are all bollard defects replaced or reinstated?
If a bollard has been struck but is held in place it may not be repaired.
The Area Inspector will review and assess the damage, if they consider the bollard to be safe, they will monitor as part of their cyclical inspection.
Requesting a new bollard
If you would like to request the installation of a bollard, please email
A Highways Inspection will be required to review the suitability of the location.
Street furniture
Street furniture means anything from litter bins, to guard rails, bus shelters to signposts, from cycle racks to public benches.
We take great care to ensure our streets are kept attractive and functional, so if you notice any item street furniture has suffered damage, or vandalism, please help us to rectify it by reporting as soon as possible.