Report a problem with a road, street or pavement
You can report problems with roads, streets and pavements in Barnet including problems with:
- Abandoned vehicles
- Dog bins and dog fouling
- Drains or gullies
- Fly-posting (unauthorised advertising posters)
- Graffiti
- Gritting
- Highways obstructions
- Litter bin overflowing
- Litter/rubbish that has accumulated
- Manhole covers
- Obstructions
- Pavement damage
- Potholes
- Road markings
- Road signs
- Road works
- Street lighting
- Tree, bush or foliage that is overhanging
If you would like to report a problem with hedges or grass verges on the public highway, email
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My Account: report a street problem
If you have a My Account already, or if you register in the process of reporting it, you can track the progress of your problem.