About the growth strategy
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Our approach to Growth in Barnet
Why development is needed in Barnet
Barnet has London’s largest population, almost 400,000 people this is expected to grow by 50,000 by 2036.
The number of households are increasing because:
- the borough is a popular place to live
- existing residents are living longer and staying independent within their homes
- our children are growing up and having their own families within the borough
Together this is resulting in an increased number of households needing places to live.
Housing Crisis
We are also affected by the housing crisis.
The average property in Barnet costs over 15 times the average household income.
To avoid pricing out our young families, and to keep communities and families together, home ownership needs to be a realistic aspiration, and we must ensure that we are building more new homes that our residents can afford.
The council’s role in growth and development
Growth is already happening in Barnet, and is supporting delivery of our Corporate Plan objectives.
The income raised and infrastructure delivered is enhancing our borough and will enable residents to live happy, healthy and independent lives.
The most vulnerable are being protected as we continue to promote safer and stronger communities to enable new and existing residents to get along well.
Continued population growth is inevitable, but could take different forms.
To build a Barnet fit for the future our Growth Strategy sets out a planned approach.
Any alternative would see the development of more inappropriate schemes. It would also have a financial impact, making it harder to fund infrastructure, meet our housing duties, and support our local economy.
The benefits of growth
Building more housing
Colindale and Mill Hill East have together delivered 6,263 new homes, with a further 5,750 approved or proposed. These neighbourhoods are seeing the benefit of a comprehensive approach, where new homes are complemented by appropriate social infrastructure.
Providing new infrastructure
Growth has enabled planning and delivering of new infrastructure in schools, childcare places, youth and community centres, parks and public transport links.
Creation of more Jobs
Regeneration of Brent Cross Cricklewood is the council’s largest scheme, where infrastructure, new homes and jobs will contribute to future prosperity and deliver a new town centre. Phase 1 of Brent Cross South is expected to create 3,000 construction jobs and 4,000 permanent jobs over 5 to 7 years.
Improving our Town Centres
Development will increase overall spending by increasing the overall number of households whilst average household spend within town centres falls. In addition, mixed uses with space for businesses, facilities for health, leisure and community services, and an evening economy will all help to increase the footfall along our high streets.
Our Growth Strategy
Learn about the highlights of the Growth Strategy:
Our Guiding Principles
We identify 3 guiding principles for the Council’s role in development and regeneration:
- Shape changes to places to secure healthy, resilient and cohesive communities; including focusing resources on the people and places identified as most in need of support and investment
- Ensure sustainable development increases housing supply, invests in our local economy, and delivers infrastructure to address the needs of a changing population; including homes people can afford
- Capitalise on development to ensure the benefits of growth are maximised for our residents; while helping the council to meet its savings targets.