

About Colindale

Colindale is one of the largest growth and regeneration areas in the borough and a key component of the Delivering for Barnet programme.

The regeneration of Colindale will deliver substantial but sustainable housing growth and a new compact neighbourhood centre which will be well served by both improved public transport services and high quality public open space.

Colindale station improvements

We are making improvements to the Colindale underground station.

Find out more information on Colindale station

Colindale Station update from March 2020

Key facts

The regeneration and growth programme in Colindale will deliver:

  • 10,170 new homes across various sites
  • Improvements to key junctions and roads within the area
  • Redevelopment of Colindale tube station, including the provision of step free access
  • New pedestrian/cycle bridge linking Montrose Park to the hospital site and tube station
  • Improved bus service links
  • More effective parking management with review and extension of the Controlled Parking Zone
  • Relocation of library and centre for independent living
  • New Neighbourhood Hub comprising, health, children and community facilities
  • New Youth Zone in Montrose Playing Field
  • Energy Centre
  • Primary, Secondary, Higher and Further Education schools and colleges
  • Health centre re-provision
  • Improvements to Colindale, Montrose, Rushgrove and Silkstream parks
  • Public realm improvements at Colindale Ave and Grahame Park Way

Progress report

Delivering for Barnet in Colindale has already delivered:

  • The Orion primary school
  • Energy study completed and final proposals for decentralised energy options in development
  • Former Lanacre Avenue main road diverted and rebuilt (now Bristol Avenue)
  • Masterplans for Colindale, Montrose, Rushgrove and Silkstream parks completed
  • Planning permission obtained for the new Barnet Council offices and construction underway
  • Community Hub with Health facilities - Concept Design completed
  • Detailed design and planning permission submitted for Montrose Park completed.
  • Over 3,400 homes have been delivered through the programme to date

Delivery partners

Fairview New Homes, The Barnet Group, St. George PLC, Redrow, Barratt Homes, Development Securities

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