
Traffic hotspot examples

We have surveyed how people drive in Barnet, allowing us to identify  traffic hotspots. As a result, we will be monitoring them with CCTV to help improve safety, keep traffic moving and reduce air pollution on the borough’s roads.

Here are three places in Barnet we will be monitoring for driving offences:

Zigzags at Deansbrook Infants School

Deansbrook School zigzag

Despite regular reminders, the school has been concerned for some time about the ‘keep clear’ zigzag lines in the high risk area around the school. Parents at the school park outside the gate and drive dangerously. The enforcement has been greatly welcomed by the school.

“Unfortunately, a very small proportion of our community still choose to continue to be inconsiderate” says Head Teacher of Deansbrook Infants School, Carole Catley. “We are delighted that our school has been chosen to trial the new CCTV cameras and hope that these will help to keep our children safe.”

Yellow box junction at Ravensdale Avenue

Ravensdale Avenue yellow box junction

The junction of Ravensdale Avenue with the A100 High Road has a yellow box junction to ease flow of traffic, but vehicles continually flout the driving restriction and block the junction, causing hold-ups and increasing air pollution for residents.

Monitoring with CCTV will allow us to capture the unsafe driving happening here and issue penalties to bad drivers, as well as acting as a deterrent.

Banned left turn at Brent Cross

Banned left turn at Tilling Rd

The Brent Cross shopping centre attracts 15 million visits a year, adding significantly to traffic around the already busy North Circular commuter route, so it is crucial that the roads flow well and safely here.

Currently far too many drivers are attempting a banned left turn from Tilling Road into Brentfield Gardens, raising the risk of serious accident. We want to ensure the road here is safer for cars, for pedestrians and for the residents of Brentfield Gardens.