
Grahame Park (July 2016)

Grahame Park is Barnet’s largest housing estate with 1,777 homes built by the GLC in the 1970s. Although the estate is popular with many early residents, significant problems arose due to the concentration of vulnerable and disadvantaged people, and because of the estate’s design which isolates it from the surrounding areas.

Further information regarding the transformation of Grahame Park can be found on our regeneration pages.

In order to drive forward the regeneration programme for Grahame Park and deliver necessary associated infrastructure and community facilities the Council, in partnership with Genesis Housing Association, has undertaken a comprehensive review of the remainder of the Grahame Park Estate Masterplan, known as Stage B.

The SPD provide site specific guidance and advice on the application of planning policy in relation to the Grahame Park Estate and is a material consideration for all planning applications affecting the Estate.

Following various public consultation the SPD was adopted by full Council on 26 July 2016.

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