About Breastfeeding Welcome Barnet
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Scheme overview
Mothers have the legal right to breastfeed anywhere. Sadly, many mothers feel uncomfortable breastfeeding in public even though many venues have an open attitude to breastfeeding.
Barnet Council's Breastfeeding Welcome scheme helps mothers find welcoming places to breastfeed when they are out and about in the borough.
Local businesses in the scheme will display window stickers letting mothers know they are supported to breastfeed.
Create a positive experience for breastfeeding mothers
Why breastfeeding is important
Breastfeeding can be hugely beneficial for both mothers and babies by helping them to:
- bond
- reduce rates of postnatal depression, breast and reproductive cancers for mothers, and
- for babies reduce rates of ear and stomach infections and diabetes, helping them grow to a healthy weight
How you can help
If you have a positive attitude towards mothers breastfeeding and want to support them at your place of work, and your venue is a:
- restaurants or cafe
- nursery or children centre
- leisure centre
- library
- community centres
- health centre, GP practice, dentists or opticians
- hairdressers
- high street shop
we would like to encourage you to sign up to the Breastfeeding Welcome Barnet scheme.
It's free to join and once signed up you will receive your free information pack to help you get started.
The pack will include:
- a logo window display sticker
- poster
- customer guidance and scheme information for your staff so they are aware of their responsibilities
You'll also receive materials from the local Infant Feeding Service for you to make available to mothers.
What's in it for your business
Benefits for your venue include:
- you showing the community you are a venue supporting breastfeeding mothers
- increase your off-peak business, mothers will be out and about during the day
- free publicity - mothers are great at networking, if they feel welcome they will recommend your business to their friends
- improvements to customer service
- create a local community ‘feel good’ atmosphere
- help protect the health of mothers and babies
What you need to provide breastfeeding mothers
- a friendly and welcoming attitude
- mothers may feel thirsty when breastfeeding so offering a glass of water may be appreciated
- you don't need to provide nappy-changing facilities, but telling mothers where the nearest place to do this is will be helpful
Bottle feeding
If you are asked about bottle feeding in your venue:
- extend the same friendly and welcoming attitude
- parents may ask if you have facilities for warming or cooling a bottle of milk
Your 5 commitments to the scheme
When you sign up using our online form you will be asked to commit to the following:
- all employees and volunteers understand mothers have a legal right to breastfeed their babies anywhere, in any way they choose and breastfeeding is welcomed in all areas of this venue
- breastfeeding customers will not be asked to move or cover up if another customer feels uncomfortable
- all employees will have read Breastfeeding Welcome Barnet's information and understand their role in supporting the scheme
- all areas of the venue are clean and hygienic
- the Breastfeeding Welcome Barnet logo will be displayed in a prominent location
Sign up to Breastfeeding Welcome
Register to become a Breastfeeding Welcome business
Contact us
Email: lauren.neill@barnet.gov.uk