Young people's sexual health and contraception
As a young person, it is important to know where you can access contraception, sexual health testing and advice, including pregnancy and healthy relationships. Below details what is on offer for Barnet residents.
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Sexual Health Services
Barnet Young People Services - NHS
Central and Northwest London (CNWL) NHS Trust have a dedicated young people sexual health drop-in clinic every Tuesday at clinic in Edgware Community Hospital between 3:30pm to 6:30pm which requires no appointment, just walk-in. Additionally, young people can walk-in to Barnet sexual health clinics (both located at the lower ground floor) anytime during our opening hours if they cannot attend during the drop-in session or want to be seen urgently. These clinics are based at:
The service offers free and confidential access to information and advice on any sexual health issue as well as:
- Full a full range of contraception
- Testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV
- Emergency hormonal contraception (morning after pill)
- PEP and PrEP (not currently offered at Vale Drive)
- Pregnancy testing & advice
- Safe sex advice and free condoms including C-Card
Visit the Sexual Health website for more details.
The Bridge Sexual Health Service
The Bridge Service helps people with learning disabilities (aged 16 and above) to access sexual health services in the borough of Barnet.
The Bridge Service offers:
- Testing and treatment for all Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
- Contraception including Implants and Intrauterine Contraception (Coil), condoms.
- PEP & PrEP (Pre & Post Exposure Prophylaxis)
- Advice and information about sexual health, sexual behaviour, and sexual problems
- Self-referral or referral by GP, family members, carers, case workers or social workers (with the client’s consent)
- There are two clinics in the Borough- Edgware Community Hospital and Vale Drive Primary care centre. Clients can also be seen in our Archway service if easier for travel.
- Justine Maher; Specialist Nurse in Sexual Health for Learning Disability- or call 07738 261 319.
Please see below:

Emergency hormonal contraception (EHC)
Emergency contraception can prevent pregnancy following unprotected sex, incorrect use of contraception (e.g. a missed pill) or contraceptive failure (e.g. a condom has split). There are two types:
- emergency contraceptive pill (often referred to as 'the morning after pill'); Levonelle or ellaOne.
- IUD (also referred to as the copper coil).
In addition to the CNWL in-clinic Emergency Hormonal Contraception, Barnet Council has commissioned secondary Emergency Hormonal Contraception services from community pharmacy providers in Barnet.
The service launch date was 17 August 2020.
Women below the age of 25 years in Barnet, now have access to the below commissioned Barnet EHC service activity:
- consultations
- Levonorgesterel (POM) supplied
- Ulipristal acetate (POM) supplied
- Levonelle (P) supplied
- EllaOne (P) supplied
CNWL, on behalf of Barnet Council have sub-contracted the following 15 Community Pharmacies for delivery of the new Barnet EHC service.
More information about the different types of contraception, including emergency contraception, on the FPA web page about contraception
Long acting reversible contraception
Some GPs in Barnet offer long-acting reversible contraception (LARC), such as implants, injections, intrauterine devices (IUD) and intrauterine systems (IUS). Contact your GP to find out about the contraception they offer.
Come Correct-c Card Barnet’s Condom Distribution Scheme
The Come Correct (or C-Card) scheme provides access to free condoms in a variety of locations (called Outlets) across London. Once registered you can collect condoms or get advice from any Outlet displaying the Come Correct logo. To find out more about the scheme and to register for a card, to find an outlet or to find out more information about condoms, contraception and STIs visit Barnet - Come Correct.
In Barnet Brook run the scheme and support organisations and services setting up as outlets. For more information on becoming an outlet and the C Card training available contact Brook on the email below.
Please contact to make an enquiry on any of the services listed above.
For young people: we have information on sexual health and relationships on the Brook website.
Brook Sexual Health and Healthy Relationship Service for Young People
Brook Sexual Health and Healthy Relationship Service for Young People. Brook are free and confidential sexual health and wellbeing experts. They offer sexual health and wellbeing services across Barnet to young people and professionals.
We offer the following services:
- Relationships and sex education in schools and community settings
- One-to-one early intervention programmes with young people
- Health promotion stalls and events
- Peer education programmes
- Trainings for professionals
- C card training and drop-ins
Please contact to make an enquiry.
For young people: we have information on sexual health and relationships on the Brook website
Free online testing for HIV and STIs
Barnet residents aged 16 and over who think they may be at risk of HIV or sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can visit the Sexual Health London website to find out if they qualify for a free home STI testing kit. Fill in some basic details to assess your eligibility and follow the instructions to receive your kit.
The service provides testing for a range of sexually transmitted infections including chlamydia, gonorrhoea, HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and hepatitis C via samples you can collect at home.
How to access sexual health testing remotely (PDF 0.8mb)
Terminating a pregnancy
A termination or abortion is the medical process of ending a pregnancy. Depending on how many weeks you have been pregnant, the pregnancy is ended either by taking medication or by having a surgical procedure.
If you are considering a termination you can access support via the National Unplanned Pregnancy Advisory Service (NUPAS) in Finchley.
Torrington Park Health Centre
16 Torrington Park
North Finchley
N12 9SS
Telephone:0333 004 6666
Fax: 0845 659 0666
They provide the following services:
- abortion information and consultation
- early medical abortion (abortion pill)
- free pregnancy testing
- full contraception service
- free walk-in chlamydia testing for under 25s.
For more information about terminating a pregnancy please visit:
National sexual health helpline
If you would like to talk to someone about a sexual health problem call free on 0300 123 7123 from Monday to Friday between 9am and 8pm. All calls are confidential and will be treated sensitively.
Individuals will be referred to services if required and a nurse-led service is available.
Sexual health useful links
The following websites provide further helpful information and advice: