Helpful videos for Barnet residents
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Through her eyes
Girls and women experience harassment every day from boys and men. Staring, unwelcome comments, and jokes of a sexual nature are harassment. These seemingly small acts can grow into violence and abuse.
Women and girls should be able to walk our streets without fear or intimidation. It is not for them to adapt their behaviour to avoid unwanted attention from men or to feel safe. That’s why Southwark councils’ campaign ‘Through Her Eyes’ speaks directly to men and boys.
Sexual harassment sits on a sliding scale of harm. If not called out, it can escalate into violence against women and girls. This abuse is often seen as part of normal life due to harmful attitudes towards women and girls. We want men and boys to make it right by challenging their own attitudes and behaviour, and that of others.
Types of harassment:
- Staring, leering or suggestive looks
- Sexual comments or noises e.g. catcalling or wolf-whistling
- Jokes of a sexual nature
- Stalking
- Unwanted physical contact e.g. touching or standing too close to someone
Video produced by Southwark Council
Students from Middlesex University have worked with us to create short films to promote awareness about local support services for people at risk of Domestic Abuse and Violence Against Women and Girls.